The Best Sushi Initiation For Your Ladies Night
Coming from Japan, sushi have conquered the world through their simplicity and their freshness. Sushi belong to that category of food easy to prepare, but no one seems to be able to manage the easy part. This is why we offer you this opportunity: learn how to make sushi.
We can offer you two packages: the Amateur and the Sensei Packages.
The Amateur Package lasts two hours. Your staff will be divided into small groups, one group per table. The rice will be already cooked, and the fish will be ready for making the sushi.
The Sensei Package lasts three hours, and provides an extra experience compared to the Amateur Package: the small teams will also take care of cutting the fish into fillets.
Both packages provide high quality fish purchased the same day at the market, insuring its freshness. The course will be under the supervision of a 15-years-experience chef, specialized in Japanese cuisine.
If you’re really into cooking, then check out our main cooking class!